CRHP's Impact on My Life
Brian Cancio's faith journey has never been a straight line. It has been more like a line that starts straight, is bent sideways, goes backward, and then eventually forward. Listen to his story on how despite being nervous and unsure about joining CRHP, how thankful he is that he did because of the impactful blessings he's received through it.
CRHP Invitation to the Men and Women's Renewal Weekend
Hear from Alejandro Hardaway and how a simple yes to a Christ Renews His Parish Renewal Weekend changed his life and how it can possibly change yours too.
Giving CRHP "a try"
After doing some research on local churches in 2019, Erica decided to give “Our Lady of Mercy a try” and responded to the invitation of attending a CRHP Christ Renews His Parish Renewal weekend. From going to Church only on Christmas and Easter to going to a CRHP Renewal weekend, listen to why she responded to the invitation.
Talking Myself Out of Attending the Retreat
Listen to how Wendy Jo made a movement from talking herself out to attending the retreat to actually attending and how that restless decision bore an extraordinary outcome for her, where she was re-energized, inspired, and transformed as a result of attending the CRHP Christ Renews His Parish Renewal Weekend.